In our mostly progressive neighborhood, we are one of few homes that prominently displays a traditional American flag. Recently a neighbor became curious about the flag’s significance to me. He asked if I had been in the military (no). He then tentatively inquired if the flag indicated a conservative viewpoint. Not at all, I told him. I was inspired to display it after reading magazine articles (like this one) encouraging persons of progressive viewpoint to more visibly embrace this symbol, to prevent it from being hijacked by the right.
How did one party steal the flag?
Republicans have long smeared Democratic politicians with this line: “He/she hates America”. Remember when they labelled Barack Obama’s international travels as “apology tours”? By implication, only Republicans are true patriots and are the only citizens with affection and respect for the most prominent symbol of the United States, its flag. Trumpism doubles down on the assertion that those opposed to the current Republican agenda are unpatriotic. Why does this trope succeed?
The problem with self-hatred
One reason is that a small group of Americans to the left of the Democratic party, indeed does reflexively blame the United States for nearly every problem of the modern world. Given the outsized influence of the USA in world affairs over the last 100 years, these ideologues can find some argument for a nefarious role of the USA in any event. However, for nations as with individuals, a platform for positive change cannot be built on a foundation of self-hatred. To improve, persons or nations must believe: “I am essentially a good person (nation). I am secure enough to examine my past mistakes, so as to be better in the future”. It is this spirit that provides a springboard for positive change.
Progressives are more prone than conservatives to examine the USA’s historical mistakes, in addition to its laudable achievements. When done in a spirit of improvement, rather than in shame, this is a patriotic excercise. But mainstream progressives must better distinguish themselves from their nihilistic left flank, as Pennsylvania governer Josh Shapiro did in the 2024 campaign, or risk being lumped together with “America bashers” by equally nihilistic Trumpists.
Symbolism matters
Symbols and rituals are important to humans. They express concepts and abstractions that are difficult to express in words, and connect subconscious and conscious thought. Symbolic representations appeal to emotions and are thus more powerful than rational verbal arguments, a fact that politicians understand. Patriotic centrists and progressives may worry that reverence for the flag and its associated rituals might signify excesive nationalism, militarism, or even Trumpism. This anxiety cedes one of our most important symbols to a movement that shows actual contempt for the constitution and laws that this symbol represents. Progressive reticence over the display of the flag confuses the electorate as to the nature of actual patriotism, which at its best is inclusive of honest introspection.
So if you are progressively minded and want to counter the Trumpist contempt for American law and values, take back this symbol. Try displaying a flag in front of your home, and discuss its meaning with your friends and neighbors.